“Without community, there is no liberation.”

-Audre Lorde (2012). “Sister Outsider: Essays and Speeches”,

  • **These resources were copied from Call Bubbie’s website

    Trans Life Line

    (877) 565-8860

    Available 24/7

    ”Trans Lifeline provides trans peer support for our community that’s been divested from police since day one. We’re run by and for trans people.”

    Call BlackLine

    (800) 604-5841

    Available 24/7

    ”Call BlackLine provides a space for peer support, counseling, reporting of mistreatment, witnessing and affirming the lived experiences for folxs who are most impacted by systematic oppression with an LGBTQ+ Black Femme Lens. Call BlackLine prioritizes BIPOC

    (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color). By us for us.”

    Wildflower Alliance

    (888) 407-4515

    [Monday through Thursday] PST: 4pm to 6pm / EST: 7pm to 9pm

    [Friday through Sunday] PST: 4pm-7pm / EST: 7pm-10pm

    ”A peer support line (sometimes referred to as a ‘warmline’) is a private phone line that you can call to get support, ask about resources, connect with another person who can relate or has ‘been there’, or just talk. Our peer support line is answered by a trained peer supporter who has their own first-hand experience with psychiatric diagnosis, trauma, addiction, and/or other interrupting challenges. This line does not collect personal information, perform assessment, or call crisis or the police.”

    Fireside Project

    (623) 473-7433 (call or text)

    Everyday 11am-1pm

    ”The psychedelic peer support line provides emotional support during and after psychedelic experiences.”

    StrongHearts Native Helpline

    (844) 762-8483

    Available 24/7

    ”StrongHearts Native Helpline is a 24/7 safe, confidential and anonymous domestic and sexual violence helpline for Native Americans and Alaska Natives, offering culturally-appropriate support and advocacy.”

    LGBTQ National Hotline

    888-843-4564 (general, call or online chat)

    888-234-7243 (senior-specific)

    800-246-7743 (youth-specific, 25-and-under)

    888-688-5428 (coming out support)

    [Monday through Friday] PST: from 1pm to 9pm

    [Saturday] PST: from 9am to 2pm

    “All of our support volunteers identify as part of the LGBTQIA+ family, and are here to serve the entire community, by providing free & confidential peer-support, information, and local resources through national hotlines and online programs.“

    Thrive Lifeline

    Text “THRIVE” to 313-662-8209

    Available 24/7 through text

    ”If you’re experiencing a mental health crisis and need to chat with a qualified crisis responder, we are here for you. If you are an underrepresented individual (person of color, LGBTQ2S+, person living with disabilities, neurodiverse, and/or other marginalized identities), and experiencing obstacles because of (or simply have questions about) your identities, we want to help you navigate those.”

  • I want to acknowledge that as a therapist working under a professional license given to me by a professional licensing board, I am a representative of a system of oppression within the medical industrial complex.

    This means working with a licensed professional of any kind has limitations. I.E. Mandated Reporting and the western pathologizing medical model of Diagnosis.

    I consider myself a Forced Care Abolitionist. Due to overwhelming scientific evidence that forced psychiatric hospitalization tends to lead to increased suicidal ideation and overall worse health outcomes. I prioritize building resources using Care Pod Mapping in order to leave carceral systems out of the crisis mangement process.

    With all of that being said, it remains essential to find resource outside of systems of oppression where you can get a different level of support that I cannot provide.

    PDX Peer-To-Peer Support Resources
    C.O.P.E.S. PDX

    Other Peer-To-Peer Support Resources
    Candice Alaska (currently on a break)
    Meera Mohan-Graham