A Statement On Genocide

All over the world, people are not free.

I write this message to send a clear message that I stand with indigenous peoples of the world fighting to free their lands of colonization and the death and destruction it brings.

I write this message to you from inside the imperial core of the so-called United States of America where we are not free either. And this message is mostly for people who look like me and who may share similar privileges. The people who get to “opt out” if they choose.

We are not free because they are not free. We are not free because the Earth is being destroyed by the extractive nature of capitalism. We are not free because our bodies are commodified and worked to their literal bones. We are not free because the madness we feel in response to this violence is pathologized and criminalized.

Your whiteness and proximity to whiteness will not save you. Your US Citizen status will not save you.

We will save us.